So, you’ve done your best. You chose your college wisely. You prepared for the transition to college. You got out of your dorm room and tried to build a life that was fulfilling academically, socially and personally. But, no matter how hard you have tried, you realize now this is not the right college for you. You made a mistake. No biggie. We all make mistakes. Instead of burying yourself under your covers and retreating from life, it’s time to stand up straight and fix it. It’s time to transfer. (See Part 7: Transferring Out for your transfer plan.) If you have done all of the things outlined in Parts 1 through 6 of the Transferring to College Playbook, you should be in a position of strength. You have prepared for and taken advantage of academic resources at your current college so you should have a strong college transcript to submit. You have made the most out of the college’s social opportunities and extra-curricular activities so you should be able to discuss how you have made an impact on your community. You have reflected on what you really want in a college education and why your current college just isn’t the right fit for you. Now, you need to put this all into a well-crafted essay to convince your target transfer colleges that you will be happier and more successful there than you are now.
Here is your outline for your transfer personal statement:
- What you were initially looking for in a college (aspects that will still apply to your new college)
- Academic
- Extra-curricular
- Cultural
- Why you chose your current school
- how your current school initially met the requirements you outlined above
- Why your current school no longer meets your academic and personal needs:
- Curriculum/academic reasons
- Extra-curricular reasons
- Cultural/social reasons
- What you are looking for in a new school (along similar lines of original thinking but more targeted now, with your current insights and/or future goals in mind):
- Academic
- Extra-curricular
- Cultural
- Conclusion:
- The impact you hope to have in the world
- The way you will remain a part of your new college community long after you graduate
Now that you have a plan, find the school where you will gain the experiences, skills, relationships and knowledge to achieve your goals. Happy writing!