Parents, the second semester of your child’s senior year is almost here. Can you believe it?
The college admissions process is something I have found to be equally tough on students as it is on parents. These upcoming months are a time that often evokes a multitude of emotions including sadness, excitement, anxiety, and even denial. I am here to help.
Attend admitted student days. Support your students as they walk on to campus for the first time as students. This is an exciting moment, so cherish it! Listen closely in information sessions and encourage your students to think about whether or not they could see themselves at a particular college. The more you know about a college and the resources it offers, the more comfortable you will be sending your children there.
Talk. Talk with your students about their feelings as they prepare to start college. Are they nervous about being out on their own, making new friends or feeling homesick? If you went away to college, share your experiences as a new freshman. It is likely that both you and your child will share some of the same feelings about this new phase in both of your lives.
Focus on family time. Plan a family vacation or staycation before your child starts college. Disconnect from your phones and laptops. Enjoy one another’s company and make memories that will take you through to Parents’ weekend in October.
Yes, there is only one semester left. Remember it is not you who is going off to college so do not let your feelings overwhelm your child. Instead continue to listen and reassure and know that your child will be back home soon with a large bag of dirty clothes that need to be laundered.